The Education subgroup of the Clinical Transfusion Working Party has developed this e-learning module on transfusion reactions for physicians early in their careers. This module is co-developed by the European Blood Alliance (EBA), accredited by European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) and is freely accessible at no charge.
El subgrupo de Educación del Grupo de Trabajo de Transfusión Clínica ha desarrollado este módulo de e-learning sobre reacciones transfusionales para médicos que están al inicio de su Carrera profesional. Este módulo ha sido co-desarrollado por la European Blood Alliance (EBA), acreditado por el European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) y es de acceso libre y gratuito.
The following list of resources is by no means fully inclusive. It is a collection of websites and tools that the ISBT TP subgroup would recommend to those investigating wrong blood in tube events